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 Post subject: Mankra
PostPosted: Oct 16th, '14, 09:32 

Joined: Oct 16th, '14, 08:55
Posts: 2
Character Full-Name and Titles::
Mankra Bloodfist (Former Knight-Commander of the Ebon Blade)

Character Race and Class::
Orc Female Death Knight

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
A death knight does not simply fit in any sort of Horde-bound military guilds, that due to their unstable minds which may end up drifting away from the ideology of their brethren, and force them to take different actions than the others, Mankra however has went both through military before her undeath and through semi-organized military during her first months of undeath, together with the Ebon Blade, and then continued with them until the very end of the Icecrown Citadel campaign and a tiny bit of action here and there to wipe remaining undead during and after the Shattering.
So therefore, finished with those two, she declared herself a simple wanderer, despite her heavy-necrotic armor and runed weapons, she was left without a purpose due to the lack of intense undead activity and now seeks to aid any sort of mercenaries without any sort of remorse.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
The youngling Mankra, at first under the name of Ironfist, born under Greksha and Trakum, was born on Draenor and grew up around the Eastern Kingdoms -and- Kalimdor at later age. She settled down in a small hut-village with her parents and a couple more orcs, from which her sister Jhai'ka, orcess which ends up missing later on.
Once the campaign in Eastern Kingdom was over, she sailed across the sea with every other orc, taking more than a week or two to arrive on the shores of Kalimdor all thankful to the lucky sea-storms the entire ship colony was caught in. Mankra and her family have arrived onto the very southern shores of Durotar, close to where Ratchet is today, once a mere barren shore and settled there for a couple of days until them and one more family have decided that the Barrens are a dangerous place, wide open with lots of craving predators that easily could spot them, so they've traversed the lands over a few days until they've reached for Stonetalon Mountains, place where they were going to spend their next good years, where Mankra was going to soon start training herself to defend the colony along more younglings including her sister against all sort of unwelcome wanderers, be it fitting in bestial or humanoid.

And to sum up this part of her life, she spent more than a decade in training and hunting arts, during those years, her sister went missing, claiming she wants to see the said capital the orcs have started building. Mankra stood and defended the orc settlement all along the years, until a patrol of orcs came looking for more potential recruits into the "official" military formed in Orgrimmar, an offer Mankra did not reject and was to spend more and more years with.
The important stages of her upcoming military-bound life were the places that herself and her squad were going to visit, as well as visiting her 'old' homeland she was merely told of, now shattered into pieces.
As an overall review on her activity - she performed various tasks and missions on Azeroth, both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, as well as Outland during the siege on the Hellfire Citadel and so on, returned home with fresh scars, both physical and psychical.
It wasn't long after her return that the said "Lich King" figure out appear, as well as fresh new travel routes towards Northrend. When this was heard, Mankra and her squad, composed of two troll males, a headhunter and a berserker, another orcish female bow-girl and a shield-maiden trolless, were somewhere in the northern Arathi Mountains, where they had the task to track down a caravan with war-prisoners.
It was there when these proud Horde warriors were to meet their doom, as it did not take them long to find the caravan.
A caravan which was not to be found in the shape they expected it to be, instead, it was ravaged, turned to dust, every single guard and prisoner was missing however, merely blood trails were left on the ground, trails which Mankra and her squad followed until a crypt.
Brave as they were, they've entered the crypt and met their end, as skeletal guards incapacitated them, and from there on, they woke up in a laboratory, where a necromancer was viewing them over, it appears they were not meant to die, instead, they were going to be experiment dummies.
Now finding themselves in iron cages, they knew it was sort of lost, Mankra watched her squad members either turn into ghouls or simply not make it through any experiment, but she started to wonder when was her turn going to be.
-That- turn never came, she was programmed for something else. The necormancer was there to aid the Lich King with his upcoming death knight army, and she was the one to join the ranks, so instead of becoming part of who knows what abomination, her body was shut down by the necromancer, her memory stored away as well as her soul due to her new master's will.
This was a period of her life, short that was, a week or so when the Scarlet massacre happened, where she did not remember anything, obeying her Master's will and all that until the Light's Hope chapel event, where a -major- part of her memory was returned with the sudden revelation Mograine had, from there on she carried and stood together with her new brethren, sworn to wipe those that have slain her bound military brethren.
Here starts the Northrend campaign, she went through several regions until the Shadow Vault, aided at it's "cleansing" and settled with the Ebon Blade, performing various tasks and propelling her way from a simple death knight without any skill left in her hand towards a killing machine with her memory partially intact. This killing machine now was conscious who and what she was after, and her aim was the very said 'man' that brought so many into this condition, forcing them in a sort of cage inside their own body. During this whole campaign and until Arthas' demise, she realized that it was not so bad being a death knight after all, her structure entirely intact due to her specialization, which was a mixture of unholy and mainly blood magic, even after the Northrend campaign, she dedicated herself to purge anything that threatened the Horde's true core.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Mankra is specialized in blood and unholy magic, with minor frost touches. She's close to resembling a second-generation death knight in the skillset, only that she does not have a vampiric blade, and was not a paragon, respectively paladin that fell to the darkness.
All over her years, she learned more and more abilities and combined them with her new possibilities, becoming much more than she was before her undeath.
She's that sort of sadistic torturer -OR- the one that has the highest killcount in a crowd-fight and yet isn't sated after.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Besides orcs, she fancies trolls and tauren, and did before undeath and still does.
She considers Forsaken a strong ally with a powerful mind, and blood elves are -rarely- accepted in her company, only tolerated.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
Old loyalties? Firstly Horde, then Scourge, then Ebon Blade and then Horde again, now freelancer.
Old enemies? Alliance and Scourge.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Mankra peers around the environment, her eyes scanning every individual around as she seems to be taking mental notes of each, clearly, she either thinks of how they would die or how they would fight against her. Every now and then she checks upon her armor locks, making sure none of them are open or broken, as well as she appears to fiddle with her hair every now and then -if- her helmet was off.

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
I need a guild, first of all, a roleplaying guild, with people eager to socialize OOC, share whatever wicked stories they have and offer some quality roleplay IC.
Second of all, it -sucks- staying near a tavern all time and most likely alt-tabbing, from personal experience I can tell that at least being in a guild offers someone to RP or chat with every now and then, and you people seem pretty darn decent.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I'm a dude that finished art-school, respectively sculpture.
My hobbies? Sculpture, computer, wandering around in forests and over hills, taking pictures while doing that.
Accomplishments? IT specialization and studying sculpture while also performing it is quite a comfortable feeling, another accomplishment is the very fact that I can be different than how I was in the past and did not remain stuck in such phases.
I'm currently applying for a job that's part of the IT domain.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
I've started roleplaying on this game, it's my core, but have checked other MMOs such as Guild Wars (2) and SW:TOR, I have about 5-6 years of roleplaying experience in all sort of domains. (Hint hint *wink)

 Post subject: Re: Mankra
PostPosted: Oct 16th, '14, 10:50 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
Heyo Mankra! Thank you for your application, we'll get back to you soon as our officers have looked it over.

 Post subject: Re: Mankra
PostPosted: Oct 18th, '14, 22:58 

Joined: Oct 16th, '14, 08:55
Posts: 2
Hi, I've changed my mind, I might be impatient, but this is taking too long, thanks anyway.

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