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 Post subject: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 10th, '16, 18:10 

Joined: Aug 10th, '16, 10:15
Posts: 3
Character Full-Name and Titles::
Victor Steelbreaker, the Metallurgist

Character Race and Class::
Undead (Human), Death Knight

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
Steelbreaker is currently seeking group for him to feel occupied and to satisfy his urges as Death Knight. Perhaps in time find place where he can belong and people won’t frown at his own ways, where he can develop and improve. Gold is less important matter for Steelbreaker but he requires it to lead his personal research and gain necessary materials for such. He seeks place that he can return to.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
(Trying to avoid as much details as possible to make it short but still keep relevant into out there, sine Steelbreaker is rather old charactee, this information I give purely OOC, please take that in cosideration)

Steelbreaker was born in Stormwind City as son of Blacksmith and he started his traineeship for craftsmen from very young age, beginning as ‘workshop kid’. He was expected and wanted to become Blacksmith putting all his time and efforts into it. Unfortunately when he was still young first war forced him to move with refuges north where he settled within Lordaeron. Soon after he is forced into second war, still very young but at proper age to fight this time. He is pulled into battles within the city.

After war Victor takes time to recover from atrocities of war, both physically and mentally. He focus on Blacksmithing, working on weapons and armors, improving his skills and gaining practical experience, especially when it came to metals. With time he was known as Metallurgist for his exceptional skills with such materials and basic engineering. He also practiced his skills with sword and combat.

When Third war break out Victor is already adult with quite decent experience. He was away from Lordaeron when scourge took over city by pure luck and coincidence. Soon he would join forces in the Northrend seeking revenge. Victor dies in the North, soon to be risen as one of Death Knights.

Becoming perfect weapon of the Scourge Victor break free after Lich King death. He made choice to accept superiority of The Ebon Blade to survive. With time he gets used to new reality and that everything changed for him, and his life will no longer be as before, taking over new name: Steelbreaker. After that took some jobs as mercenary, travelled around, got into few conflict to finally join group called Brotherhood where he stayed for long time.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Steelbreaker is skilled in close combat in both defense and offence. He has experience after years on the battlefield both as living and undead. He used to serve under military, he took part in few conflicts around the world or took jobs as mercenary here and there. He focus on using his long runeblade but if situation force him he is capable of fighting with most melee combat weapons: halberd, daggers, short swords. Even without weapon he is not fully defenseless. However due to his heavy armor he may lack some of the speed.

Steelbreaker gained experience in use of magic as Death Knight, knowing all basic skills such as anti-magic shells, death grip, basic use of shadow magic, creating path of ice. He however lack knowledge and skills in blood magic only capable of few tricks. His main path and focus have been unholy energy and he specialize in using that.

Steelbreaker is skilled Blacksmith capable of working with almost all metals. He also have basic understanding of engineering, preparing blueprints and plans. He has very basic knowledge in alchemy, probably only capable of constructing mixtures required in blacksmithing (oils, acids to clean metals ect.) and eventual idea of making embalming fluid, the world of plants and brewing elixirs is foreign to him.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Steelbreaker is neutral toward other Horde races, but he do find himself edging away from Orcs or dislike being in their main city. He also have slight problems with understanding the way Trolls speak. However as long as someone is respectful to him and won’t stand in his way the race is no problem for him. He is fascinated and at the same time disgusted by Goblin's engineering.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
Steelbreaker’s closest friend and companion is Lars Saharow. He also have old contacts within Orgrimmar when he used to work briefly, also he has some contacts within Undercity thanks to old friends out there (Eliah and Eldran Saharov) but getting to use such contacts may be complicated. He is bound to Ebon Blade for obvious reasons. He used to have 'guide' of some sort at the begning after joining Ebon Blade but they have not met for long time now.

Anyone that claims to belong to the scourge and act to spread it will be considered by Steelbreaker as enemy. He also have old foe on the alliance side but have not meet nor seen her in years now.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Steelbreaker would tap fingers of his mechanical arm over elbow of other limb observing those around him. He appears hollow yet calm. He would tilt his head to the side and answer slowly ‘Perhaps…’

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
I’m seeking guild focused on roleplaying and that builds up nice community, where IC actions are kept outside OOC. I would like to most of all have fun and have chances to further develop my character and improve with roleplaying and lore. I would like to RP with others in guild and build stories together. I'm seeking friendly group of people that enjoy playing and creating something cool together. I wish to join the guild with friend because we buil up rp story together :)

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I’m currently university student. It is not hard to guess that my hobby is gaming but I do also like art and writing some short stories just for myself. I like creative way of having fun that require a lot of imagination thus I totally felt in love with roleplaying.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
I started roleplaying on Argent Dawn around year ago and Steelbreaker is one of my first characters quickly becoming my main. I put whole year of development into this character learning how to roleplay and discovering lore. I still have plenty to improve but I just got hooked over RP instantly I started it. I have few alts that I like to chill with from time to time but most evening I spend on Steelbraker rping. Speend most of my rp time with wheel of Entropy, but also seen guild or two around.

PS. Ic hopefully will be allowed to join with friend Lars.

 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 11th, '16, 10:29 
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Joined: Aug 20th, '13, 16:03
Posts: 159
Hello, I am not an officer, just a normal member of the guild.

It is pretty clear that you and Lars have decided to join this guild together and I am wondering if you come as a package deal, ie we take you both or none at all?

I also would like to know if joining us is something you decided together or if one of you are the driving force while the other one tags along to not break the partnership. This is mostly so its easier to get a picture of what kind of commitment you both have.

 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 11th, '16, 12:18 

Joined: Aug 10th, '16, 10:15
Posts: 3
It is package of both really, so if one can't join I doubt other will join alone. we have both made decision to join the guild and discussed the idea before together :)

 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 15th, '16, 04:42 
Lieutenant (Site Admin)
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Joined: Sep 14th, '12, 07:50
Posts: 115
Location: San Francisco
As we had to approach these two applications (Lars/Steelbreaker) together, I thought it best that we respond to both as a unit as well for fairness' sake.

Unfortunately we don't feel that these characters would make for a good fit with the guild as it stands, but we appreciate your applications.


 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 15th, '16, 08:53 

Joined: Aug 10th, '16, 10:15
Posts: 3
Can I at least know reasons why aplications have been declined?

 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 15th, '16, 17:21 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
It's always a lot harder to wrangle package-deal-applicants -- for BG, it's a setup that's gone really great, and not; in the past.

That said the applying as a duo wasn't a reason to say no, so much as a point of added scrutiny. The long and short of it is as Kyrith said; we're a small, tight-knit group and the addition of two new members who aren't necessarily a great fit in our minds would be disruptive for our existing members, whose experience we have to protect ahead of accepting new applicants.

Thank you, though, for the interest! Wish you the best of luck onwards with the RP adventures.

 Post subject: Re: Steelbreaker
PostPosted: Aug 15th, '16, 19:18 

Joined: Aug 10th, '16, 10:15
Posts: 3
I perfectly understand that, and it is great to hear you take in consideration your members good as first thing out there. But I smply want to know why you consider our characters not fitting in the guild? Just out of curiousity at this point. Like you do not acept death knights or Forsaken? Because there must be reason why you find our character not fitting.

well anyway thank you for seeing to aplications and good luck with rp.

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