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PostPosted: Jan 30th, '16, 22:01 

Joined: Jan 30th, '16, 21:26
Posts: 3
Character Full-Name and Titles::
Talidrel Silverthread, the Spiritwhisperer

Character Race and Class::
Blood Elf female, Seeker (in game class: priest)

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
She will tell most of others around she is here for gold but it is not only truth. Of course she require coin to survive as living and support herself but her main goal is to seek and discover. She is traveler that wish to join group of people she can form bound with, find protection as well and they won't look down upon questionable part of her research. She wish to continue her adventure within group of people and this may make her aim much easier. Later perhaps she will find it the place she belong to.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
In short, to show general idea of Talidrel backstory but to not reveal all the minor details:

Talidrel was born in rather wealthy family, not in noble house, but she never missed anything and grew up as curious young lady unaware of how harsh world can be. She was naïve and her broad mind tried to grasp anything that is around for her to discover. Talidrel become rather rebellious girl seeking her own way, seeking, discovering and learning no matter the price, until she found herself fascinated with shadow magic, to be more precise with phantom beings and ability to inflicting minds of others. She began her research that soon was looked down upon and young Elf learned quickly to become distant when it came to reveling her own aims or purposes. Her only trusted one became her aunt that had taught her the ways of the shadow.

Talidrel was quickly and willingly learning but then the Scourge spread over her homeland and her life changed upside down as well as she had. By the time it happened however she became adult already, with fair knowledge of different matters, yet she was just to start her lesson upon the harsh ways of the world.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Talidrel is by no means fighter, yet if situation require she will go into battle and use the sharp edge of her weapon in right direction. She has basic skills with daggers and maces, she can lift the sword or so on. Her strongest skill though is the magic and as all Blood Elf she is very sensitive and skilled with it. Talidrel can use shadow magic and she is familiar with rune magic. The female can even attempt to inflict the mind of her opponents, but as everything it as well comes at cost of her energy or great preparations. The basics of arcane aren’t foreign for her ether.

Apart from that Talidrel has knowledge about jewel crafting and empowering crystals and gems and implanting them in the armor or weapons. She is by no means expert but her age allowed her to gain fair amount of practice in this craft.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Talidrel is rather neutral towards other Horde races. She is polite towards them in general and accepting them, yet she finds herself closer to Forsaken and Undead than any other Horde race. As she thinks that her own people and Undead share some similarities in the history and Dark Lady of course was once Blood Elf. Not to mention the help of Forsaken that Blood Elves received in Ghostlands. She is strongly bound with her own race yet, strangely for Blood Elf she doesn't think they are above everyone else. She will though put her own kin above any other race if it comes to war of some sort.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
She has no particular enemies nor friends. Most of those close to her died during scourge attack or later in the war against Lich King. Her beloved teacher is still alive but due to dwelling too far in the shadows is considered more than insane.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Talidrel raised her eyebrow with curiosity as she looked at the one she was taking to. She repeats last part of the sentence rising her voice to form question. Once she received answer she nods politely and speaks: ‘Most interesting…’

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
I'm currently seeking guild focused on roleplaying, and Blackguard seem to be one of such guild, perhaps I can form nice stories with the members and have fun in this guild.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I like playing world of warcraft in my free time and I'm interested in art and drawing.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
I have started roleplaying not so far ago, lets say around... half of year ago. Fedrissa was character of previous guild but death occured ic and I adapted her into new one so I don't have to lvl another one in game. Thus Talidrel was created, I was for brief moment in Velvet Syndicate guild but I felt uncomfotrable there with level of roleplaying there. I'm always up to improve my roleplaying and learn new stuff about lore, so I'm open for any advices.

PostPosted: Jan 31st, '16, 01:04 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
Hey there Fedrissa!
Thank you for your application, we'll get back to you soon as we can!

Quick question of clarification regarding one of your answers!
You mention feeling uncomfortable with the RP level in your last guild? Was it the amount of activity that didn't sit right with you?
Asking 'cause Blackguard as a guild is fairly small and our own level of activity is anything but constant~

PostPosted: Jan 31st, '16, 09:32 

Joined: Jan 30th, '16, 21:26
Posts: 3
It was not due to activity really. I found the guild not suiting me, I don't know why exactly myself, perhaps the idea of having half-demon in guild as well. And pesonaly I prefer rather smaller groups for rp because it is easier for me to follow up with everything. :)

PostPosted: Feb 2nd, '16, 13:58 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
Hey again Fedrissa!
I've had words with my officers and we've decided to nudge your application to the IC Meeting stage.
Hit us up ingame and we'll get it set up!

PostPosted: Feb 9th, '16, 08:57 

Joined: Jan 30th, '16, 21:26
Posts: 3
It turned out that I unfortunetely pass with joining guild with my character, as I got request from friend of mine to join his guild and help out there. I'm sorry for the troubles and wish you all to have fun with rp and if you ever met me ic, we can rp as well. :) Cya round Argent Dawn

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