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Author:  Nihli [ Aug 22nd, '15, 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Nihli

Character Full-Name and Titles::
Nihli (Kaora, daughter of Tar’kao), “Little Spirit”

Character Race and Class::
Troll druid (though she wouldn’t call herself one): a healer

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
Nihli has been traveling with the Blackguard for some time now. It felt natural to her as Fajou is her friend and now she’s gotten to know more members too. Nihli travels, because she tries to find the purpose of her life and her place in the world. She wants to know what she wants to really do and knows she can’t find out if she stays at home. For that reason she likes the diversity of Blackguard. They have so many different answers, that Nihli clearly is in her freedom to find her own truth. Blackguard can also keep her safe on her travels, after all she would otherwise be a woman, who travels alone.

Nihli doesn’t feel like she wants to really become one of the company, at least yet. She thinks she will return home at one point anyways. She likes to help them and spend time with them, but she is not ready to compromise her new-found freedom. Associate rank would be good for her.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
Nihli has spent long time without remembering anything of her childhood. Nihli is a name she made up for herself. It didn’t bother her that much, because she could always make a future at least. She gained back most of her memories fairly recently.

Nihli was born in halls under the Pool of Tears - Temple of Atal’Hakkar. Her mother was very devout and well respected priestess of Hakkar. Her father was a witchdoctor. The mother was quite distant figure and the father didn’t really know how to spend time with his daughter due to being a troll man, and cultural reasons related to that. Nihli remembers the two arguing whose fault it was that she was born without colours. Luckily Nihli also had Tehei, an elderly woman who lived with the family and took care of the rooms and Nihli too. She got Nihli started in learning how to take care of a home and cook good foods. She was the safe presence Nihli’s parents were unable to be. Later things turned bad and Nihli’s father took his daughter and with help of Vilebranch priest escaped the Temple and moved to Jintha’alor. At that point Nihli knew how to take care of a house and everything seemed to go well, but then Nihli became a woman. She was about thirteen and her father in his lack of options promised her as wife to a cruel man. Nihli didn’t have options either. She tried to take her own life by stepping down from a high cliff.

Against her plan she woke up badly hurt. She couldn’t remember any plan though. Or anything else for that matter. A tauren had found her and tended to her injuries. He took her with him to Thunder Bluff to recover. There Nihli spent time with an elderly tauren woman, who she calls her tauren mother. While Nihli lived there, she got used to the Horde. She learned about Earthmother and the respect towards nature. With that she learned her basic healing skill. Her tauren mother worked as midwife and when she didn’t have that work, she made tents. Nihli learned both of the skills from her. On that time Nihli also started to do her art seriously. Before she learned to talk in Orcish, she needed to draw what she meant. It supported her natural talent.

Nihli suffered from visions and headaches that came with them. She moved to Sen’jin village to be closer to trolls in order to learn more and find out about how her people really are. At start her being albino and a stranger caused suspicion, but being kind and also hard-working earned her the trust of the villagers. Even the old midwife accepted her help, ending up to teach her the more troll specific areas of the trade. Somehow, maybe because the villagers weren’t so welcoming at start, Nihli got involved with cult that served great raptor loa of revenge and cunning. She trusted them to be able to help her with visions and finding more knowledge about the loa and how to be a troll. She also knew she was alone and strange. There were often times when Nihli didn’t agree with them and their thoughts, but she believed it was the only way. To be a troll is to do the wish of the gods. It was a struggle, but Nihli learned to stop dreaming and accepted the fact that the loa control her life. She went on many adventures with the cultists and her oracle skills proved useful often and were developed in their use. She also became a better healer and it wasn’t really all that sad.

Lately Nihli has started to doubt if she really doesn’t have any say about her life. She has gone far from the traditional position of troll woman already. What else can she maybe do? Maybe all kin is free? In that case she is responsible for herself and she needs to live the kind of life she feels to be her own. Now she just has to figure out what that is.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Nihli is an oracle, healer and midwife. As an oracle she can sense things sometimes. She might just feel like something. She sees visions. Sometimes some things just stand out, because they need to be seen. They might be pictures, scenes or spirits. Nihli can also enter an oracle-state with help from her spider’s venom. At that point she sees auras at least. If she sees spirits, she tends to be able to hear them as well and talk with them. All her supernatural abilities are tied to her ability to see things that aren’t normally seen. Nihli is still on path to becoming better in this all.
Being (playing) an oracle is responsible, but so are we (me and Nihli). Nihli tries to not look at people if it’s not agreed on. Nihli’s visions don’t show everything always or might need interpretation. Nihli simply can’t see everything and it’s also possible that there would be ways to hide things from her. At the best the visions can be used to further RP plots and move them, if they get stuck. They can provide needed information or start quests.

Nihli is a druid-like healer. She helps wounds to regenerate with nature’s powers of renewal. The main sources of that for Nihli are earth and plants. The power is the potential of growth and the promise of new springtimes. If Nihli is out of options, she can use some of her own well-being in the mending. The healing is as efficient as the players want. I don’t want to ruin recovery RP from anyone.

Speaking of healing, Nihli knows something she calls the treetrick. With concentration she can turn to treant like the druids do. That makes her healing power more efficient, allowing her to treat broken bones, infected or poisoned wounds and some corruption or curses. It also becomes easier for her to keep on healing. The treant form has other benefits to it. The bark is thick and heavy, so it protects her from damages. If tree gets hurt, Nihli doesn’t and other way around. If Nihli ends up in melee ranges when she is in her treant form, she can use her branches as clubs.

In or out the treantform Nihli can use roots. Or sometimes rarely moss, but that’s not so effective. Usually the roots are grown from the ground. They are meant to keep enemies still, restrain their movements or even silence them. Nihli has used the roots for strangling too, but that is slow. Roots can also form a protective wall, but they are wooden roots, so that’s maybe not best use for them. These are all Nihli’s offencive skills. She doesn’t have much experience with weapon use.

Nihli is a midwife. That is purely offscreen, but means that she knows things about herbal medicines and might have good reputation among some NPCs because of having been involved in their happy family events.

Nihli can make very nice paintings if you like bright colours. She fishes, gathers foods from nature and cooks. She works with leather and hides. First she cures them and then sews, especially well when it comes to tents. She can also do maintenance on things that are done of leathers or furs. Shortly saying Nihli is a support character. She heals and protects.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Nihli is very friendly and kind, and generally gets along with people really well. She doesn’t like the idea of undead people existing, because it’s unnatural, but she knows it’s not their fault and she is nice to them too. Maybe even for greater reason. Nihli also sometimes thinks that all of the tauren are just wonderful and gets a bit disappointed when they aren’t.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
Nihli is Promised for marriage with Su’ama, formerly Vilebranch warrior (my alt). She has some friends among the people of Sen’jin village and Bambala. She has her tauren family. She is still in good terms with the members of the raptor cult. She doesn’t have enemies out to get her. There is actually only one person who she has gotten personally angry with, but it’s not something that follows.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Nihli had placed her tent’s undercover upside down on the ground and sat on it with rather big piece of parchment. It had to be this way so she wouldn’t get paints on her sleepingfurs. It was a bit cold even in the sunshine of Kun-Lai, but the heat stone was still more needed by Harkahone. At least the paints weren’t going to freeze and today the light was good.

Nihli sketched the scene on the parchment with her coal first. Seaside beach, two bonfires and sunset. Around the bonfires trolls were dancing. They were no real trolls. One elderly woman had mostly Haikia’s face, but Taranga’s jaw and Emebi’s elaborate hairstyle. There was a man whose hair looked like that of Kaqak’s, but who maybe distantly looked like Te’ja’s husband, and then not. That was the way Nihli painted the dancers. She didn’t want to involve real people and possibly bind them in her important piece of art. Far on the background there was a pale woman who played the drum and seemed to be dancing too, her hips in middle of a swing. Her hair would be as deep red as the sunset itself.

Nihli needed to spend some time to mix herself the right colours, but then she got to the painting. The bonfires were as much fun to paint than Fajou’s hair if not even better. There was even less limit about the shapes the flames could take. She was careful about the fire’s light though. She didn’t let it to make everything yellow and the outside dark. Instead she kept the circle of light relatively small. So fires were orange and yellow and the sunset was a good one. Very red. As afterthought she added some shiny bits on the sand where the light touched it, faking golden glow on it. The trolls who danced wore blue and green clothes. The contrast was vivid, perfectly in line with the way Nihli liked her painting.

For hours no other world existed for her. Painting the colours was the best part of making pictures. She wasn’t even sure how long she worked on it before stopping and having critical look at the painting. It really had the feeling of speed and movement to it. But…
No… That piece of wood would have fallen off.
What is going on with the fingers of that mon? Or the hand of that womon? Ok… I guess that she can seem like patting the other womon on her behind… All kin are free.
Nihli laughed at her thoughts and relaxed. She had danced this painting. It had her feelings to it. This dance was her gift to the Lady of the Luck.

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
Because practically after everything I am already part of you, but officially not. I can’t even see the guildchat! But seriously, Nihli has been around as the Cult is inactive and I find my RP from tailing you. I have liked doing that. This clearly is the best option for Nihli.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I’m bad in things like this. Well that’s one piece of info I guess. I roleplay. Alot. More of that later. I also write. I try to write a book, but authors tend to need to concentrate a bit better. I guess it helps I like the sound of my keyboard as you might have noticed. Sometimes I write about RP or RP writing. I have a dog and a cat. Sometimes I get obsessed over little hobbies like knitting and right now colouringbooks.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
I have had some form of RP for over 10 years. First I played pen&paper games. (And still do in skype in written form.) I have been to couple of LARPs too and recently picked up forum RP again. In WoW I seriously started on TBC. I had different Nihli-character on RP realm Steamwheedle Cartel. At a point I was an officer in Earthfury Clan, biggest Kalimdor Horde guild on server. I don’t think I’d want to do that again. Is also relevant, I feel, that later I mostly played my blood elf warlock (only because secretary is not a class) Joliel and joined guild called Winterspark with him. That matters, since some BG people were there. It was glorious, but as everything good ends, so did it.
I switched realms, but as Joliel wouldn’t have fitted this, I joined the Cult of the Raptor with Nihli. As that one is now inactive, I’m here writing this apply. This my the history, simplified at least.

Author:  Jazaen [ Aug 26th, '15, 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nihli

About time you made an application!

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