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 Post subject: Kealanna
PostPosted: Jul 1st, '14, 17:49 

Joined: Jul 1st, '14, 16:19
Posts: 1
Character Full-Name and Titles::
Kealanna Nightshield

Character Race and Class::
Sin'dorei Undead Death Knight

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
My character would like to join the Blackguard due to the fact that she feels lonely, and restless now the Lich King, Arthas Menethill has been slain. Now that her purpose is over, the Ebon Blade is no longer needed. She wants to find a group of people that she can be with, a group that perhaps could understand some of her bloodlust, and maybe even some of her pain. So that she does not wander about in Undercity, thinking about Silvermoon which she dares not return to, as she feels personally that, that would be a disgrace.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
Kaelanna grew up in Silvermoon City, and trained as a ranger with the Farstriders, but she quickly figured out that she was more efficient with a blade in her hand, and ended up training as a warrior, first, for many years, alone. Up to the point when her hunger for magic took a hold of her, and she joined the order of the Blood Knights, training under their banners, and finally became one of them, guarding the city among many things. But that ended when she joined an expidition to Northrend, to be guard for some mages, who searched for acient, magical artifacts. Little she could do when they got ambushed by an army of Scourge. Killing off Kealanna at an age of 135.

Even so, the Lich King saw it fit to ressurect such a well and strong fighter as Kealanna, to turn her into his beloved Death Knights. And so she woke up at the Ebon Hold, a servant of the Lich King, slaughtering the Scarlets at the Scarlet Enclave along with her fellow Death Knights. All the way to the Light's Hope Chapel. Where Tirion Fordring managed to stand his ground with the Argent Dawn. Making the Death Knight's see what was going on, they were sent to their deaths, again. Hence she joined the Ebon Blade, now she were a Knight of something important again, and her only purpose was to kill the Lich King. Now, when her purpose has ended, her skills are for nothing, where she wanders the Undercity, restless. She wants to do things, and she wants to see the world.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Kealanna's skillset is based mainly in her swordhandling. She's an expert swordsman, but as every Death knight, she has a bit of Shadow Magic up her sleeves as well. So in other words, she has a grip of Shadow Magic, which she is still trying to learn more of even at this day. And her skills with a blade.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Kealanna's very indifferent when it comes to the races of the Horde. She doesn't like any of them much, except for the Sin'dorei, her former people, and now her fellow Undead. But she doesn't really care about them. Hardly anything else than indifferent.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
She's loyal to the Dark Lady, the Sin'dorei as a people and Silvermoon City. Her only old enemy as she can remember in her undeath was the Lich King, Arthas.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Kealanna sits on a rather uncomfortable chair, not that she really cares much about that, drifting away in her own mind, attempting to remember her life, but she just cannot bring her to it. The only image that she can get from her former life was the day when she were murdered. And just that image, that was the only thing that could bring big feeling of humanity in her, because she could feel a tear run down her cheek. She swiftly got herself up from the chair, grabbed it and smashed it into the ground so the uncomfortable wooden chair cracked up and lost its legs. Sadness and anger, the only things that she could feel now.

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
Why do I wish to join the Blackguard? Well, I looked through the guildfinder, found the forumspage and read through it and I asked Kyrith a couple of questions and I figured why not. I have never played Horde on AD before, I myself originate from Defias Brotherhood as Alliance, I've three Alliance characters on AD and I figured that I wanted to try to play a Horde character, so I were looking for an interesting guild. This guild was the most interesting guild that I could find. And by comparing it to all the other guilds I saw on the Guild Finder, this guild blew my mind. this guild looks great, and therefore I am very Intrigued.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
Myself, I am from Norway, turned eighteen this May, I study at Highschool, I study drama. my hobbies are writing, gaming, reading, singing and acting. and of course I do keep a lot of time with my girlfriend. My accomplishment, my only accomplishment would be that I've self published a poetry book, and to prove that, here is the link where you could buy it; ... 491&sr=1-1 . Otherwise there are not much to tell about me, I'm quite a dull person, to be frank. - Oh, and I'm a male.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
My background in RP, hrm. that probably started out when I was eight or so. On a Norwegian Harry Potter RP site. Then, when I was nine, I started playing WoW and I started Roleplaying (on Defias Brotherhood) there quite soon after. So you can just think how bad I were, a Norwegian nine year old, horrible at English, trying to RP in English on WoW. But over the years, I've started some great projects on DB, which have died, I've been officerranks in many still living guilds on DB, and so. So I'd personally like to call myself a veteran when it comes to RP.

 Post subject: Re: Kealanna
PostPosted: Jul 2nd, '14, 20:59 
Lieutenant (Site Admin)
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Joined: Sep 14th, '12, 07:50
Posts: 115
Location: San Francisco
Hi Kealanna, Thanks for your application.

After looking it over we've decided that unfortunately the character wouldn't be a good fit with the company at this time.


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