Character Full-Name and Titles:: Balzuvor Wrathmaw, Slavehandler, Master of Demonology,
Character Race and Class:: Orc Warlock
Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.: Balzuvor formerly lead his own Cult, a deeply religious and truly fanatical one with him in the lead as Overlord Wrathmaw. However, after his Cult died out after a vast amount of battles, mainly with orders of the Alliance, he was left with none of his enourmus riches, no test-subjects, no companions, and no lair. His motive with joining would be to restock his fortune, in order to be able to maintain his expensive behaviour. He has in fact applied for paid service in military organizations, but been declined because of his ownership of Slaves, his Fel-corrupted Body,and questionable loyality.
[Note, all described above is in-game events, but this was more than a year ago from when I'm writing this, 2013-11-13]
Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.: I apologize, but I have built this character up over such extreme amounts of time, and putting on paper what most discover slowly through IC means, is just not an attractive thought to me, not even in an application.
Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?: Balzuvor is a summoner of Demonic Minions, very knowledgeable in terms of the alternate worlds and planes, including the nether, the dark beyond, Xoroth, Draenor/Outland. He is worn by age and experience, but remains physically capable, in addition to his expertise of both Shadow, and Arcane, in its fel corrupt form.
What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?: He believes that in average, an Orc is a much greater leader of any group/movement/organization/platoon than any other race. But he is not unreasonable when it comes to the thought of exceptions. While he is a proud Orc indeed, and may in general be more respectful when speaking with other Orcs. He remains certain that every race of the Horde, joined for a reason, and with their own contributions.
Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?: Most of his old enemies nad loyalties have either died IC'ly, or stopped playing the Game.
Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.): "Balzuvor maintains his straight posture, with the gaze of the blood red pupils set on the work at hand in his right grip. Lazily gazing into the swirling Felgreen flames warping through his right hand. Inspecting its every movement rushing by his controle. Gone deep down in his own thoughts. Only the heavy breathing through his nose is to be heard, with his mouth firmly closed, pressing the felmutated razorsharp teeth well beyond their usual point."
Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.: Yes
Why do you wish to join Blackguard?: I seek more opportunities to Roleplay with more people on this Character of mine. And with high standards of quality, as well as acceptance of my Roleplaying which is not centered around, but indeed includes adult matters, such as heavy torture classified as gore, and occasional Erp,finding, my hopes lead me here.
Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.: I'm a man in my early twenties, in my country which remains secret, I study at the most advanced and high-req Economy college. In which I have been nominated for two awards because of my accomplishments within the college's studies. Because of it, my online hours during weekdays, tend to be 19:00-23:00, approximately speaking.
Tell us about your background in roleplay.: I started playing Wow, and Roleplaying in it, a few months after its original release. Throughout all these years, Warlocks have been my mains when it comes to Rp. I know my stuff, and I know it well. I've lead a total of 3 guilds, been an officer in 4.