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Author:  p3ps1_k1d [ Sep 16th, '13, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Galka

Character Full-Name and Titles

Galka Gorefiend

Character Race and Class

Hunter Ork (female)

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them

I'm looking for a good RP players, so I guess your guild is nice at Rp.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines

Galka was grown in the shadow of her elder brothers — Urzuts and Barbar Gorefiend. Her mother died when she was young, father, Zarg "Heavy Hummer" Gorefiend, was laconic and musculine ork, a blacksmith at Razor Hill. Galka knew she would never achieve Urzuts and Barbar coals. She will be at the second plan all the way.
Brother Barbar teached her how to handle a bow and how to subordinate an animals. She's missing him very much — he was an apprentice blacksmith, then a guardian in Orgrimmar. After all he was sent to Outlands and was dissapeared there. Urzuts still fights for Horde's pride. He support Garrosh and Galka do it as well. Garrosh for her is anything, just like her brothers. She learned how to hunt, how to kill. She know the taste of blood, the taste of defeat. She fights for Horde, for Garrosh, for pride of her family. That's it.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?

Galka knows how to track and to kill animals.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?

Hate humans and undead. Also can't stand draenei and goblins. With sympathy to orks and taurens, neutral to dwarfs and elves.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?


Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.


Why do you wish to join Blackguard?

I'm looking for a good RP players, so I guess your guild is nice at Rp.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.


Tell us about your background in roleplay.

Was RPing in vanilla. Have a good RP background.

Author:  Gillawyn [ Sep 18th, '13, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Galka

Hey there, sorry for the wait - your application got stuck in the moderation queue, because a bug in the forum code let you make it as a post, rather than using the application form.

Unfortunately there are a number of things we're not comfortable with here. Supporting Garrosh is a deal breaker, as Blackguard has outright betrayed him – using the lore name Gorefiend is quite awkward even if your character isn't meant to be actually related to him – and you've given the same OOC answer as both your character's and your personal reason to be interested in Blackguard.

For these reasons we feel you'd be more comfortable with another roleplaying guild. Best of luck, hopefully you find a guild to your liking soon!

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