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 Post subject: Borduke
PostPosted: Mar 12th, '17, 01:34 

Joined: Mar 12th, '17, 00:23
Posts: 2
Character Full-Name and Titles::
Borduke Rotmore

Character Race and Class::
Undead Mercenary/Warrior

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
Borduke's reason for joining the Blackguard is twofold; firstly, his desire to be a part of a mercenary company (a solo career has not been profitable for him, and while he would never admit it, he misses a community like he had with his beloved Warhounds) and his desire to prove that the undead form is the perfect form for an animate (if not living) being. He believes mercenary work is the most dangerous, and so the best way to prove that while undeath may be pretty, it is a blessing and not a curse.

Furthermore, while he does not need money himself beyond weapon and armour maintenance, he does like to donate to the Church of the Forgotten Shadow as he is a fervent believer, and carries a sword with a twisting black shadow seemingly fused with it, a blessing from a shadow priest.

Besides this, Borduke has worked alongside the Blackguard in his capacity as a Warhound, and while the group he talked to were a little too selfless for his taste, he nonetheless believes they are efficient mercenaries and also, can see how the selflessness of others can aid a man willing to take advantage of it. This is not to say he's untrustworthy, he just won't kill himself to save another (except perhaps high-ranking Shadow clergy).

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:
Borduke was a Strahnbrad boy, high up in the Alterac mountains, an area he still loves deeply, and spent his youth excitedly talking the ears off the local guards about how much he wished to be a soldier. He moved to Lordaeron at the age of ten, and earned his way working for his father until he was of age. He made his living from his sixteenth birthday as a guard, first near the orc internment camps and later in the inner city of Lordaeron.

When the plague hit, he as all others affected caused widespread destruction in the place he once guarded. Once Sylvanas broke off with her Forsaken, he served Lordaeron as a deathguard in an almost mocking replication of his living career. His new undeath gave him new ideals, however, and a belief grew that undeath was the ideal form for a being to take: inexhaustible and near indestructible. This belief caused him to forsake his surname, and take the name Rotmore.

He felt that being a guardian of Brill, however, did not make adequate use of a body so able and powerful as the undead form, so he left after a few years to work as a mercenary. He has since been part of a number of mercenary groups, most notably the infamous Warhounds, notorious for testing the limits of what is acceptable on a job.

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Borduke is pragmatic enough to be able to use whatever is to hand offensively or defensively in a pinch, but he is not necessarily skilled with many weapons. In particular, he prefers a sword-and-board or a two-handed sword, and is skilled enough to hold his own against most opponents with it, though he is not truly exceptional.

To augment his weaponry skills, however, he has, in his capacity as a warrior, an array of abilities. Earth-churning short-range shockwaves, violent thunderclaps and violently momentous long-distance leaps, even in heavy armour, make him a fearsome foe on the battlefield, and while these abilities are not long-ranged, they are often enough to give him the edge in combat.

Outside of combat, Borduke is a pragmatist. He knows what risks to take and which ones not to take, generally speaking. Besides this, he is very good at squeezing every penny out of employers. His deep, gravelly tone and the desiccated tongue dangling loosely from a shattered mouth, all dripping vile black ichor, make for an intimidating figure.

He likes to invest in the mercenary company he is a part of with his own wages as he believes it can help them (and therefore him) prosper more in future.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
He holds a deep love of the Forsaken, but is otherwise mostly ambivalent. He holds a respect for the orcs for breaking free from internment, as the control of his mind while he was a member of the Scourge has given him a violently anti-slavery outlook. He distrusts goblins.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
While not loyal to the Horde, he has some loyalty towards Sylvanas and the Forsaken for his freedom from the Scourge. As for old enemies, a goodly number of individuals likely despise him for his capacity as an occasionally untrustworthy Warhound. There are a small group of Gilneans who hold a grudge as Borduke and a group of mercenaries under him decimated most of their force in the Forsaken invasion of Gilneas. Also fiercely defends the Church of the Forgotten Shadow and will not abide harm coming to one of its members.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Borduke raises what remains of an eyebrow at the smirking goblin in front of him, though his helmet obscures the movement. He tears the contract from her outstretched hand and eyes it to make sure he heard correctly. "It seems, " he begins, his voice almost a growl, " that we have a problem here." Borduke stabs a fetid claw through the part of the parchment indicating his pay, and then sighs. He crouches to look the goblin directly in the eyes before removing his helm, and a shredded tongue flops out to freedom. He hands back the contract, his dead, amber eyes meeting with the goblin's expressionlessly. "Perhaps, " he says, driving a quill violently into his tongue and then pulling it free, the tip now black with ichor, "you can bring back a better deal, and I can sign that one?" The goblin maintains eye contact for as long as she dares before stammering an agreement and fleeing.

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
I've been out of the RP scene for a good year and a bit now, and I'm looking for a nice, tight-knit community to rejoin in order to do so. I've RP'd with the members of this guild before and, hey, I enjoyed it, and it fits my character so I figure it'll be a good fit for me and vice versa.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I'm a first year Software Engineering student who's either playing games or working towards the degree, generally speaking.

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
Not much to tell, if I'm honest! I started playing WoW in Cataclysm (I know) and have been RPing in this game on and off since then. Not a lengthy history but hey, we've all got to start somewhere.

 Post subject: Re: Borduke
PostPosted: Mar 14th, '17, 19:34 
User avatar

Joined: Aug 20th, '13, 16:03
Posts: 159
Hello Borduke,

We have decided to move you on to the IC meeting stage. Please contact Vuai or Miraei ingame to set up a day and time that suits. If you having trouble finding us online, you can also contact any other member and they may be able to help you get in contact with us.

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